40 research outputs found

    Lower limb musculoskeletal modeling during normal walking, one-legged forward hopping, side jumping and knee flexion:A Validation study of the AnyBody Modeling System for optimizing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Computermodel kan krachten op kniegewricht goed voorspellen Het AMS-model, een computermodel dat menselijke bewegingen kan nadoen en voorspellen, kan gebruikt worden om de krachten die tijdens het lopen op het kniegewricht werken accuraat te voorspellen. Dat concludeert Adhi Wibawa in zijn promotieonderzoek. Hij testte het AMS-model met behulp van gezonde proefpersonen. Om te bestuderen hoe ons lichaam biomechanisch gezien werkt, worden er computermodellen ontwikkeld die de menselijke bewegingen nauwkeurig kunnen nadoen. Een van die computermodellen is het AMS-model (Anybody Modeling System). Wibawa testte dit model voor de loopbeweging in knie, enkel en voet. De promovendus deed dat door de bewegingen van tien gezonde proefpersonen tijdens verschillende loopactiviteiten (normaal lopen, springen op één been, opzij springen en buigen van de knie) te filmen en door het AMS-model vervolgens spieractiviteit te laten voorspellen op basis van de gefilmde beelden. Die voorspellingen konden vervolgens in de proefpersonen gecontroleerd worden door de elektrische activiteit te meten van de spieren en de zenuw die de spier aanstuurt. Wibawa concludeert dat het AMS-model de bewegingen in de enkel en de voet nog niet goed kan voorspellen. Dat komt waarschijnlijk doordat het model werkt met een vereenvoudigde versie van deze lichaamsdelen. Wel bleek het model goed in staat om te voorspellen welke krachten er op het kniegewricht werken tijdens normaal lopen. Door het systeem te verbeteren, zal de voorspellende kracht toenemen


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi terkait daerah yang rawan banjir melalui visualisasi peta untuk menjadikan kesiapsiagaan dalam merespon dan menangani korban banjir dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Kurangnya informasi mengenai daerah rawan banjir yang didapat oleh masyarakat umum dapat menyebabkan kerugian yang cukup besar. Sehingga, informasi mengenai daerah rawan banjir ini dapat mudah diakses serta terpublikasi untuk masyarakat umum dan menjadi kebutuhan untuk melakukan upaya mitigasi bencana banjir. Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah perhitungan yang diharapkan dapat mengklasifikasikan daerah berdasarkan tingkat rawan banjir. Sistem Goegraphical Information System (GIS) cocok untuk mengetahui daerah mana saja yang rawan terkena bencana banjir, karena dapat memberikan bentuk digital dan analisa terhadap permukaan geografik bumi sesuai yang ada di Kota Lamongan

    Performance Evaluation of 198 Village Governments using Fuzzy TOPSIS and Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    Currently, volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) have become unavoidable problems. In addition, knowledge or information that is not managed properly can result in inappropriate decision-making processes within an organization. Business Intelligence conception is then becoming an essential view for converting unstructured data and information into a more actionable strategic plan that allows organizations to make competitive decisions. Village Government (VG) is the smallest organization in the Indonesian government system because VG implemented regulation and development programs in all areas of a national government. VG executes a series of tasks every year starting from planning, budgeting, administrating, executing, and reporting. However, the important role of VG in the development of a country brings also some drawbacks such as corruption and other domino effects. Several factors have been identified that cause those problems such as lack of capabilities in managing village organization and human resources quality. Monitoring and evaluation regarding those VG performances normally have been done each year. However, measurable evaluation standard for VG performance until recently has not been determined nationally. This study is intended to make a comprehensive standard of village government performance assessment through a Good Governance Framework approach. This study involved 198 villages from Madiun Regency as a case study. Seventy-four measured parameters were proposed to evaluate VG performance mapping. Fuzzy TOPSIS is implemented to rank those 198 villages into 4 groups of VG performance levels. The fuzzy TOPSIS classification result has been validated by using manual scoring and the accuracy reached 86,4%

    Evaluasi Tingkat Validitas Metode Penggabungan Respon (Indeks Penampilan Tanaman, IPT)

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    Text Mining for Employee Candidates Automatic Profiling Based on Application Documents

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    Opening job vacancies using the Internet will receive many applications quickly. Manually filtering resumes takes a lot of time and incurs huge costs. In addition, this manual screening process tends to be inaccurate due to fatigue conditions and fails in obtaining the right candidate for the job. This paper proposed a solution to automatically generate the most suitable candidate from the application document. In this study, 126 application documents from a private company were used for the experiment. The documents consist of 41 documents for Human Resource and Development (HRD) staff, 42 documents for IT (Data Developer), and 43 documents for the Marketing position. Text Processing is implemented to extract relevant information such as skills, education, experiences from the unstructured resumes and summarize each application. A specific dictionary for each vacancy is generated based on terms used in each profession. Two methods are implemented and compared to match and score the application document, namely Document Vector and N-gram analysis. The highest the score obtained by one document, the highest the possibility of application to be accepted. The two methods’ results are then validated by the real selection process by the company. The highest accuracy was achieved by the N-Gram method in IT vacancy with 87,5%, while the Document Vector showed 75% accuracy. For Marketing staff vacancy, both methods achieved the same accuracy as 78%. In HRD staff vacancy, the N-Gram method showed 68%, while Document Vector showed 74%. In conclusion, overall the N-gram method showed slightly better accuracy compared to the Document Vector method.&nbsp

    Penggerombolan Model Parameter Regresi dengan Error-Based Clustering

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    Ketersediaan data tidak dalam format standar yaitu tidak dalam bentuk vektor dalam dimensi ruang p, sering kali menjadi kendala dalam penggunaan analisis gerombol tradisonal. Untuk dapat menggunakan teknik analisis gerombol tradisional, data terlebih dahulu harus dirubah ke dalam struktur yang diinginkan untuk mempermudah analisis. Namun tidak jarang dalam proses mengubah struktur data awal menjadi struktur data baru banyak informasi yang hilang. Dalam setiap teknik ini disajikan statistik varians-kovarians atau matriks kekeliruan (measurement Error) yang terkait dengan hasil perubahan struktur data tersebut yang merupakan ukuran informasi yang hilang selama proses tranformasi. Metode Error based clustering memungkinkan melakukan penggerombolan objek dengan emmperhatikan kekeliruan pengukuran. Salah satu aplikasi dari metode ini adalah penggerombolan parameter regresi dalam kasus klasifikasi sekuritas dalam perdagangan saham. Key Word : Error-Based Clustering, kErro

    Simulation of Virtual Tripwire Using Real Time Video Surveillance for the Security of Restricted Area

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    Recent development in the security world, video surveillance system has been used widely to protect the most valuable properties or restricted areas in the world. However, the old monitoring system usually only watch the Region of Interest (ROI) without any embedded systems that can trigger automatically the alarm when there are some suspected things happen. By using Virtual Tripwire, video surveillance system can protect safely and effectively the restricted area such as seaport, banking, jail, warehouse, automatic teller machine etc. Virtual tripwire is an algorithm to control the value of some certain pixels in fix position. Virtual tripwire is made of several points which make a rectangle in a captured frame. For the first time, system will take automatically one frame as reference by calculating each point in that rectangle and save them in some arrays. The second step is that in every second system will evaluate all points in the same position to measure weather there are some differences or not. These differences will trigger the alarm automatically. Virtual Tripwire is like a virtual border in the form of rectangle that can avoid everything to pass in a frame grabbed by producing sign